Tory ministers have made fools of themselves defending their leader. They’ll look even worse when he cuts them loose

There is something almost sadistic in the way Boris Johnson sends ministers to be tormented on television in defence of the indefensible. There is nothing new in politicians squirming through interviews, and prime ministers have always performed U-turns, humiliating MPs who had reluctantly stood by the abandoned policy. But with Johnson the practice is so common it looks like a system. He tests the limits of shamelessness, using the dignity of his cabinet as a probe.

The past week has seen a parade of secretaries of state making excuses for Downing Street, allowances for sleaze and fools of themselves all at the same time. Some actually believe the wretched drivel, others abase themselves in hope of future favour. But Johnson expects loyalty the way a capricious emperor demands tribute. It must be rendered without conditions or camaraderie. If it suits the prime minister to cut his most loyal servants loose, he will do it in a flash.

Rafael Behr is a Guardian columnist

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