The argument against unleashing the Harlequins fly-half in the Australia match is shrinking to the point of invisibility

It was the US Navy which first popularised the KISS principle in the 1960s. Regardless of the dilemma the advice was to Keep It Simple, Stupid because straightforward solutions are usually the most effective. Sixty years on, this feels like English rugby’s moment to pucker up. Marcus Smith simply must play at No 10 against Australia this week, full stop.

Not to select him would, frankly, be akin to an act of cultural vandalism. If something looks like a world-class fly-half, thinks like a world-class fly-half and shows glimpses of that rare ability off the bench, what does a half-decent coach do next? Regardless of Owen Farrell being officially cleared to rejoin the squad, Smith needs to start on Saturday for the good of both the team and his nation’s psyche.

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