• Wales 16-54 New Zealand
  • Beauden Barrett scores two interception tries in 100th Test

The last time Wales beat New Zealand was the same year Everest was first conquered. At no stage did it remotely look as if the hosts were about to scale that still-elusive peak under the bright Cardiff lights, particularly after losing the totemic Alun Wyn Jones to a shoulder injury inside the first quarter. The All Blacks were a speck on the horizon by the end, despite not always being at their fluent, all-dancing best.

Instead it was an evening to remember for the reliably influential Beauden Barrett, on the occasion of his 100th Test. Two interception tries from their silver-booted No 10 helped to rack up a record number of points ever conceded by Wales on home soil, equalling the widest margin of victory the All Blacks have managed in Wales since the fixture started in 1905. Seven tries to one, four of them in the last quarter, accurately reflected the difference in cutting edge between the respective teams.

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