Lexie Smith started doing PR when she was 18 years old, and now she’s teaching entrepreneurs around the world how to grow their businesses.

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October 26, 2021 2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

When Lexie Smith began her undergraduate career, she wanted to pursue broadcast journalism and public relations. While she was in New York City at a convention, she ran into a man and his son sporting her university’s mascot. They started a conversation, and it turned out the father owned a bi-coastal tech PR firm that had a satellite office where she went to school in Eugene, Ore. That led to her first job in PR. In her mid-late twenties, she was serving as a VP of PR and Marketing, spending weeks going back-and-forth between D.C. boardrooms and lobbying in Sacramento. She was spending long days working to assert her authority in male-dominated rooms and one day, she collapsed from a multitude of issues that were all connected to stress. She had to be wheeled out of her office in a make-shift stretcher to a hospital and realized something had to give.

“This was my wake-up call moment that told me I needed a drastic lifestyle change. Much research and soul-searching later, and THEPRBAR inc. was born,” she says.

Today she works with entrepreneurs who are trying to figure out how to grow and market their businesses. She sat down with Jessica Abo to discuss how her Organic Growth Formula is helping entrepreneurs determine what area of PR they should focus on first to achieve their unique business goals. 

This article is from Entrepreneur.com

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