Sinclair Broadcast said the cybersecurity incident has caused a disruption to parts of the business, including its local advertisements.

Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc., SBGI -2.61% one of the largest owners of broadcast stations in the U.S., said it is working to contain a cybersecurity incident that disrupted some of its networks and had some of its servers and workstations encrypted with ransomware.

Sinclair said the event, which it identified over the weekend, has caused a disruption, and may continue to do so, to parts of the business, including its local advertisements.

The company said it has yet to reveal whether the cyberattack will have a “material impact on its business, operations or financial results.”

A Sinclair spokeswoman didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Ransomware attacks are increasing in frequency, victim losses are skyrocketing, and hackers are shifting their targets. WSJ’s Dustin Volz explains why these attacks are on the rise and what the U.S. can do to fight them. Photo illustration: Laura Kammermann

Write to Lillian Rizzo at [email protected]

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