Delta strain continues to ravage unvaccinated countries; UK health secretary hits out at unvaccinated care home workers

Health Secretary Sajid Javid has said care home workers who are not prepared to get the Covid vaccine should “get out and get another job”.

Javid said he is not prepared to “pause” the requirement for care home staff to be fully vaccinated by November 11, amid concerns significant numbers are reluctant to get the jab.

If you work in a care home you are working with some of the most vulnerable people in our country and if you cannot be bothered to go and get vaccinated, then get out and go and get another job.

If you want to look after them (care home residents), if you want to cook for them, if you want to feed them, if you want to put them to bed, then you should get vaccinated.

This lack of clarity is causing a huge amount of stress, anxiety and frustration amongst thousands of kidney patients.

This group are returning to work and public places with no specific national advice or support.

While a decision on when to get a third jab remains a decision between a patient and their clinician who know about their ongoing care and treatment, all hospitals have been asked to identify and offer a jab to those who are eligible, by the end of next week.

Where vaccines cannot be administered at the same site, patients and their GP will be written to shortly so they can arrange their jab at their local practice or vaccine centre.

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