The role of government is to give every person, every community, and every business the tools they need to contribute to our success

Our country stands at a crossroads. The Tory government has shown what it offers working people – tax hikes for pie in the sky plans. The Labour path is the promise of a better, brighter, more secure and more prosperous future.

I’m clear-eyed about what that future looks like and how we will achieve it. It is one where a modern, efficient government works in partnership with a brilliant, innovative private sector to create jobs people are proud of. One where you can expect better pay, more flexibility, and greater opportunities to get on. One where the great challenge of our era – climate change – is tackled head-on, but also seen as an opportunity to bring quality jobs to our shores. It’s one where we raise our expectations of public services and how they serve the people that use them. Technology has already revolutionised how we shop: we should be ambitious for how it can change our health outcomes and our kids’ education.

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