Modest: Ex-Minister Steve Webb grew up in a home where money was tight

Modest: Ex-Minister Steve Webb grew up in a home where money was tight

Former Pensions Minister Sir Steve Webb says his biggest achievement since he left office has been fighting his former Government department to get pensioners money owed to them. 

Using a Freedom of Information request, the former Liberal Democrat MP forced the Department for Work and Pensions to recognise it had underpaid an estimated £1billion in state pension to 130,000 people, mainly women. 

He told Donna Ferguson he helps many of these women put in claims for repayment. Webb, 56, who was knighted in 2017, is a partner at consultancy firm Lane Clark & Peacock. 

What did your parents teach you about money? 

That it is hard to come by. Money was tight when I was growing up. My dad was an engineer who calculated the costs of construction projects. My mum worked part-time as a secretary. We lived near Birmingham and during the 1980s, when unemployment reached three million, my dad lost his job a few times. So we never took money for granted. My mum and dad, now 86 and 90 respectively, would budget for the things they wanted to buy. That taught me to appreciate the value of money.

Have you ever struggled to make ends meet? 

I’ve never been destitute or hungry, but I did have sleepless nights about how I would pay my bills when I was selected as a Liberal Democrat candidate for Parliament in 1995. At the time, I was working for the Institute of Fiscal Studies, a non-political organisation, so I had to give up my job. I had to find another one fairly quickly to pay my mortgage. 

Then, quite fortunately, I met someone on a train who told me there was a job at Bath University teaching social policy. I applied and was appointed about a month after I had left IFS. I remember saying in the interview: ‘I’m standing for Parliament in two years, but you don’t have to worry because I won’t win.’ At the time, I was 11,000 votes behind. My election to Parliament in 1997 wasn’t, by any means, an expected career change. 

What was the best year of your financial life? 

The 12 months after I lost my seat in 2015. I’d rather not say how much, but until then I’d only ever earned public sector wages. I was suddenly giving paid-for talks at events, dinners and conferences. 

Your biggest achievement since you left office? 

I discovered the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) had underpaid about £1billion to 130,000 people. As an MP, I enjoyed helping individuals with their problems and through the regular column I write for This is Money (sister website of The Mail on Sunday), I started hearing from people who were querying the amount of their state pension. 

I found one or two people whose payments I didn’t understand. After I wrote about their cases, more people got in touch.

The DWP kept saying: ‘Oh yes, that was wrong and we have fixed it.’ But so many people got in touch that I suspected there was something more widespread going on. Eventually, the DWP did a check and it discovered it had made this £1billion underpayment, mainly to women who had retired before 2016.

What did your former department get wrong? 

Your state pension should be reassessed if your husband dies, if you turn 80 and are on a really low pension, or if your husband retires and claims his pension. For 130,000 pensioners, that never happened. The Government now accepts this. The average repayment is between £7,000 and £8,000. In some cases, women have received £100,000. There’s an online calculator (at that married women can use to check if they have lost out. Bluntly, the DWP can’t cope, so I’ve been helping people in my spare time. I find it rewarding. 

What is your biggest money mistake? 

I sold a property in London at a loss. I had bought my first home, a one-bedroom flat in Clapham, South London, in 1990 for £63,000. I then got married and needed to sell it in the middle of a housing crash. I got £59,000 for a property that today would be worth several hundred thousand pounds. 

Do you save into a pension? 

Yes, I do. I started saving into a pension when I was 25. As a former Pensions Minister, I have noticed there are benefits to pensions that people often miss. 

The first is that when you have a workplace pension, and your employer puts money in for you, it’s very difficult to get a better deal anywhere else. If you put £1 in your pension, and your employer puts in £1, that’s a 100 per cent return on your money. The second is that pensions can be invested in a range of assets, including commercial property. I’m a great believer in diversification. 

When did you first become interested in investing? 

When I was a teenager – my dad was an investor. When he had a bit of spare money, he liked to invest in companies he’d heard of. He would then check the newspapers daily to see what had happened to the share price. 

I have always loved figures, charts and graphs. Seeing my dad look up prices in the paper, I learned a bit about shares and found it interesting. Today, all my long-term investing is done through my pension.

Do you own any property? 

Yes, my home is a three-bedroom terraced house near Bristol. My wife and I have lived in the same house, in the constituency I represented, for 25 years. I imagine it’s gone up in value since we bought it, but we see it as a home, not an investment. 

What is the one little luxury you treat yourself to?

I like an almond syrup latte and a slice of iced Christmas cake, even in the summer. I have a sweet tooth. 

If you were Chancellor, what is the first thing you’d do? 

I would sort out tax relief on pension contributions. I think the Chancellor should take a long-term approach to pensions so that people can save with certainty. 

At the moment, every Budget sparks speculation about what the Chancellor will do to pension tax relief. He should just decide what he’s going to do with it, do it and then just leave it alone. 

Do you donate money to charity? 

Yes. I support Christian relief agency Tearfund and Medecins Sans Frontieres. They both do great work abroad. I also support a local children’s hospice, The Jessie May Trust, which provides nursing care at home for children with a terminal illness. I also do voluntary work at my local debt charity New Start Debt Advice. 


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