Antique dealer Deb Thea always thought she would marry – and while she waited for the right person, she created a happy, confident single life. Then, unexpectedly, love came along

Deb Thea didn’t want a conventional wedding. “I was 70. Walking down the aisle? Wearing white? Come on!” she says. She wore a polka dot dress to marry her boyfriend, Tom Ford, who was 65. Her guests had polka dot ties, polka dot shawls and polka dot dresses.

Thea, who runs an antique shop in Petaluma, California, had always thought she would marry, but didn’t think it would take so long to find the right person. “I had boyfriends and I lived with people,” she says. “But we got to the point where we should go forward or stop, and they just didn’t seem enough to me.”

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