I bought a van from a Renault garage and was quoted to pay £16,000 plus VAT, making it a total of £19,200.

Renault offered to pay £13,800 for my existing van, leaving me to pay £5,400 which I did so at the dealership.

However, within an hour of leaving, I received a call from the salesman informing me that he had undercharged me for the van and I still owed £2,300.

A Renault customer signed a contract and paid for a van but then was asked to pay more

A Renault customer signed a contract and paid for a van but then was asked to pay more

A Renault customer signed a contract and paid for a van but then was asked to pay more

I told him I would need to take advice before paying but he rang me back an hour later on his mobile saying the offer had been reduced to £1,700 and I had to pay or I would have to return the vehicle and take a refund. 

Should I pay even though I had already signed the contract and paid the original asking price? J.R., via email

Grace Gausden, consumer expert at This is Money, replies: This situation almost drove you to despair after Renault tried to reverse the deal, even though you had already paid.

While looking for a replacement for your existing Renault Kangoo Formula Edition van, you contacted a number of dealerships before settling on a deal with Renault for a Kangoo Business+ edition as it was one of the better offers.

Overall, you would have to pay £5,400 after subtracting the £13,800 Renault would pay you for your van.

After agreeing to the deal, you were also made an offer of £13,500 by someone else looking to purchase your van.

However, as the dealership had offered you £300 more than the private sale, you decided to part exchange it. 


Our weekly column sees This is Money consumer expert Grace Gausden tackles reader problems and shines the light on companies doing both good and bad.

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After paying the difference in the dealership as well as paying out for a road fund licence and private numberplate, you agreed you would pick up the van the next day.

But an hour after payment, a salesman from Renault rang you to say you had been undercharged and owed an additional £2,300 which understandably came as a shock.

You told the salesman you wanted to seek counsel about this but within the hour you had a further phone call, this time via the salesman’s personal mobile.

He said he had made an error when adding up the price on your new van and had added VAT to the part exchange offer when the price should have not included the extra 20 per cent. 

As such, while Renault originally were going to give you £13,800 inclusive of VAT on your van, they were now offering £11,500 – the price without VAT.

This left you owing them £7,700 overall – £5,400 of which you had already paid, meaning you needed to stump up an additional £2,300. 

The salesman added he was in trouble with his boss and his job was on the line, putting added pressure on you to make the payment immediately. 

You claim he said that Renault were prepared to take a hit on the deal and said they would settle for £1,700 or you could return the new vehicle and get a refund for the amount you had already paid. 

What the reader paid

What the original Renault contract said:  

Cost of van: £19,200 including VAT

Part exchange price on your van: £13,800 including VAT 

Difference you paid: £5,400

What Renault then asked you to pay:

Cost of van: £19,200 including VAT

Part exchange price on your van: £11,500 not including VAT

Difference to pay: £7,700

After the £5,400 you paid: £2,300 outstanding

Amount reduced to £1,700: £5,400 plus £1,700 = £7,100.

The Renault customer was shocked when he was asked to pay even more for his new van

The Renault customer was shocked when he was asked to pay even more for his new van

The Renault customer was shocked when he was asked to pay even more for his new van

Again, you stated you would need time to think about this and would get back in touch.

Although Renault have reduced the amount, you feel that you have been misled by the French car manufacturer.  

I could easily understand your frustration at being told to stump up thousands of pounds more after having already paid and signing the contract.

Therefore, I contacted Renault to see how this error had happened and how much you actually owed.

A spokesperson said: ‘We are very disappointed to hear of Mr R’s experience and apologise for the error. 

‘The mistake was due to the fact that the sales executive made a human error when calculating the VAT, therefore the dealership has rectified the mistake and taken on the loss. 

‘We apologise for the inconvenience caused.’ 

Fortunately, Renault said the dealership will take on the loss, meaning you now have your van and do not need to pay any more funds. 

Shortly after you received a call from the salesman who had initially called you to say there was nothing else for you to pay, adding he had received a warning. 

Luckily, Renault realised its mistake, and whilst mistakes do happen, you had already signed the contract and paid what you were asked to.

However, I imagine you are not in a rush to deal with the firm next time you are looking for a new vehicle.

An AA customer was shocked at the high price when she received her renewal quote

An AA customer was shocked at the high price when she received her renewal quote

An AA customer was shocked at the high price when she received her renewal quote 

Hit and miss: This week’s naughty and nice list

Each week, I look at some of the companies that have fallen short of expected standards as well as those that have gone that extra mile for customers.

Miss: This week, AA is under fire from reader, Sally, after she received a particularly high renewal quote.

She said: ‘We have been a member of the AA for over 35 years but when our renewal quote came through it was £370.

‘My husband looked online to join and the price for a new customer is £139. When he contacted the AA, it would only knock the premium down to £260.

‘We have now had to cancel our membership and start all over again. Where is its customer loyalty service?’

I contacted AA about this to see why it was charging loyal customers nearly double what new customers had to pay.

However, AA refused to back down. 

A spokesperson said: ‘We believe all of our customers get a good deal at a fair price. 

‘We offer a market-leading breakdown service, which is rated in the highest possible way by customers, and our prices reflect the high quality of the service we provide.

‘Like many providers and other subscription-based services, we do offer introductory discounts to encourage new customers to trial our services and we communicate these discounts at the point of purchase.

‘We are grateful to Sally for her continued loyalty and are sorry that she was unhappy with her recent renewal quote. However, we are pleased to hear they remain happy with the service.’

It added that loyal customers receive extras such as, after the first year of breakdown cover, when members are given complimentary Silver benefits that are not available to new members and after five years, it provides further additional Gold benefits.

However, you say whilst you have these benefits, you would rather have a lower premium.

Sadly, you aren’t the first to be hit by the loyalty penalty – and won’t be the last. It’s just a shame the AA didn’t see fit to alter your premiums, leaving you to sign up again as new members.

Hit: In happier news, a reader, who wished to remain anonymous, got in touch to praise Marks & Spencer.

She said: ‘I emailed M&S to say I was disappointed they only had granny-pant style bikini bottoms available with a bikini set I liked. 

‘They made me some bespoke bikini briefs to go with the set. Amazing customer service.’

M&S were certainly not pants in this situation and proved themselves by going the extra mile.  

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This post first appeared on Dailymail.co.uk

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