When your budget is small, the right type of full stack marketer can be your rockstar.

August 4, 2021 2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

As the pandemic hit several industries, the situation has given birth to rethinking performance growth in all the areas — including marketing.

While digital marketing teams have many expert resources, they sometime take a lot of time to show results for no justified use. These teams will also be a pressure on finances if the business can not make use of them, either because the business is too small to afford some limited amount of supply of its products or that the digital marketing team is spending more time building something where the money will burn before it’s completed. This is an example of a poor planning.

Given the situation above, the majority of small businesses should hire full stack marketers. These marketers are skilled in all stacks of marketing functions, and who should have a smart approach to select key areas for meaningful growth on a minimum budget. While they may not be masters in all areas, their work efficiency is useful enough to empower businesses. Medium or large sized businesses can hire them to manage their digital accounts for performance growth.

Related: 3 Marketing Tactics Entrepreneurs Should Implement to Improve Their Return on Investment

Take one example of a recent fintech business in the UAE, where they replaced a full stack marketer with three experts in marketing strategy, paid advertising and visual designs. The three experts were not able to give the business the growth it should have seen. While the business had built a nice social media presence, a blog with nice articles and was running paid search advertising with nice visuals, the business was losing faster than it was gaining.

Related: Here’s How You Can Have a Perfect Digital Marketing Plan

In the example above, I had the opportunity to take the lead and set the marketing on its right track. To find your true north, your business needs a full view of what to deploy for continued growth and a futuristic vision to be able to scale those strategies. A sustainable business growth can only be achieved if it views its path before it steps onto it. However, it is for sure no great plan is of any use unless its tested.

Related: 5 Powerful Digital Marketing Hacks to Increase Sales


This article is from Entrepreneur.com

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