Following two of the most high-profile and brutal rape cases in India, this Dispatches documentary alleged vast, entrenched corruption among police and politicians

I remember sitting in the pub many years ago with a barrister friend who had just taken part in his first court case. It involved a sexual assault. “I’m glad we were prosecuting,” he said, draining the first of many shots. “Because there’s not one bit of that that’s nice.”

And so to the latest documentary from Channel 4’s flagship current affairs strand, Dispatches, an unflinching report in which, similarly, there is not one bit that is nice. The customarily succinct and harrowing hour is titled India’s Rape Scandal and follows two of the most high-profile of the unimaginably brutal rapes that are becoming notorious in the country. One rape is reported to the police every 15 minutes in India, yet it is estimated that more than 90% of such assaults go unreported.

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