England’s remaining restrictions lifted from midnight; Thailand confirms record new infections for fourth consecutive day; lockdown extended in Australian state of Victoria

Boris Johnson’s plan to lift England’s remaining lockdown restrictions was overshadowed by a furious backlash against the prime minister and his chancellor on Sunday, triggering a hasty U-turn and prompting questions about a pilot scheme designed to let them avoid isolation.

Downing Street was accused of sowing confusion and a sense of “one rule for them” on the eve of so-called “freedom day” by saying Johnson and Rishi Sunak would continue with “essential government business” while having daily rapid tests.

Related: Questions grow over pilot scheme after Johnson and Sunak isolation U-turn

Thailand reported on Monday 11,784 new coronavirus cases, the fourth consecutive day of record infections, as the country struggles to tackle its worst outbreak to date.

The Southeast Asian nation’s Covid task force also announced 81 new deaths, bringing total fatalities to 3,422 and with 415,170 cases registered.

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