Readers express their concern that wearing face masks in England will soon be voluntary, and their anger at the government’s approach

And so, just like that, this Tory government abnegates itself from responsibility for what occurs once coronavirus restrictions are lifted on 19 July (PM to confirm 19 July end to Covid rules despite scientists’ warnings, 4 July). Basically, a behavioural science interpretation is: if you give a shit about your and other people’s welfare, you will continue to wear a mask in settings where transmission is most likely (eg shops, pubs, cinemas and schools), because we wear a mask primarily to protect others; if you don’t give a shit, then you won’t. Just let it rip! Classic divide and rule.

It is clear that the government, fed up with Covid-19 and just wishing it would go away, is insufficiently concerned about our physical and mental wellbeing. It is now about the economy. Desperate for trade deals, to wriggle out of culpability for 152,000 deaths, and to deflect attention from its shambolic lack of political strategy and morally vacuous ministerial behaviour, the government is betraying its citizens.
Dr Michael Sheard
Ingleby Arncliffe, North Yorkshire

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