Latest updates: PM due to set out full opening on 19 July but scientists and some leaders warn unlocking is going too far amid surge in cases

Visiting care homes in England is unlikely to “completely go back to normal” after the final stage of easing restrictions on 19 July, Helen Whately, the care minister, said this morning. She told Sky News:

We will be taking some more steps as part of step 4 of the roadmap. I don’t think visiting will completely go back to normal. There will still have to be some precautions.

It’s step by step, getting things as close to normal as we can while still protecting people who are at greater risk from Covid.

The Duchess of Cambridge was due to attend the service of thanksgiving for the NHS at St Paul’s Cathedral this morning with her husband. But she is having to isolate having been in contact with someone who tested positive for Covid. Kensington Palace said:

Last week the Duchess of Cambridge came into contact with someone who has subsequently tested positive for Covid-19.

Her Royal Highness is not experiencing any symptoms, but is following all relevant government guidelines and is self-isolating at home.

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