A third of savers are clued up about pensions but the rest are in the dark, new research reveals.

The vast majority are unaware that pensions are invested in the stock market, and are ‘confused and baffled’ about one of their biggest financial assets.

Women, the self-employed, single people and lower earners are most likely to admit a lack of knowledge about pensions, including how much they have saved to date, according to the survey by Hargreaves Lansdown.

Knowledge gap: One in three believe they understand pensions, and their options and likely income in retirement

Knowledge gap: One in three believe they understand pensions, and their options and likely income in retirement

Knowledge gap: One in three believe they understand pensions, and their options and likely income in retirement

Three quarters of those polled had private sector jobs and were likely to have ‘defined contribution’ pensions, where they bear the investment risks of building up a pot to fund retirement.

The rest worked in the public sector, where they are likely to have final salary or career average pensions, which provide a guaranteed income from retirement age until you die. 

Their money is also invested, but employers shoulder the risks of funding the pension.

>>>Worried about your pension? Read a guide to getting it on track below

Pension confidence: Around one in three are clued up and the rest are in the dark (Source: Hargreaves Lansdown)

Pension confidence: Around one in three are clued up and the rest are in the dark (Source: Hargreaves Lansdown)

Pension confidence: Around one in three are clued up and the rest are in the dark (Source: Hargreaves Lansdown)

The results of the survey show a consistent one in three believe they understand pensions, and their options and likely income in retirement – though it is likely some are overconfident while others underestimate their own knowledge.

Hargreaves says there is a tipping point of people starting to become more more engaged with pensions when they have about £5,000 saved. 

This could help explain why some groups are more likely to respond positively to the statements above.

The firm also notes that people working in the public sector appeared to be less knowledgeable and confident about their pensions than those in the private sector.

For example, some 39 per cent in the private sector know what income they’ll need in retirement, versus 29 per cent in the public sector, and there are similar knowledge gaps on plans for retirement.

Nathan Long: 'Your pension is one of your biggest assets'

Nathan Long: 'Your pension is one of your biggest assets'

Nathan Long: ‘Your pension is one of your biggest assets’

This is perhaps because people with salary-related pensions are not personally responsible for how their money is invested, and can rely on their employer to make the decisions to provide them with an income in old age.

Hargreaves surveyed some 2,000 people, weighted to be representative of age and geography, who have workplace or personal pensions. 

Women and pensions: Woman have larger pension knowledge gaps than men, perhaps because they have smaller pensions and reach the £5,000 tipping point later, according to Hargreaves.

‘Because men are on higher salaries on average and take fewer career breaks, they reach this level more quickly,’ says the firm. 

Previous research has shown that women reach retirement with vastly smaller pensions than men as lower pay and unpaid caring work hit their ability to save for old age. Women can find out how to increase retirement savings here. 

Self-employed workers: They don’t benefit from auto-enrolment and are much less likely to be paying into pensions than employees, says Hargreaves.

‘They may have some old schemes knocking around from past employers, but if they’re not actively contributing to them, they are less likely to be engaged and knowledgeable.

‘Also, being self-employed can often be more time-consuming, and doing admin like invoices and tax returns could mean other things like planning for retirement takes a back seat.’

Self-employed people can find out how to sort their pensions here. 

Single people: Some 48 per cent of married people know what their pensions are worth, compared to 21 per cent of single people, says Hargreaves.

‘This disparity may be due to an age bias: older people are more likely to be married, and older savers are generally more clued up about their pensions.

‘Another reason could be that when you get married you often share your finances and this can be a trigger to get to grips with your pensions. When people settle down with their other half it can be a strong incentive to look at their finances.’

Single people need to save harder than couples to achieve a comfortable retirement, recent research showed. This is to account for only having one state pension, and only benefiting from one tax-free personal allowance. 

If you are single, find out how much more you need to save here

Lower earners: Higher-rate and additional-rate taxpayers are twice as likely to be engaged with pensions than basic-rate payers, found Hargreaves.

‘When asked if they had a clear idea of what their pensions were worth, 77 per cent of higher-rate and additional-rate taxpayers said yes, compared to 35 per cent of basic-rate payers.

‘This is likely to be because it is so much more lucrative for higher earners to contribute to a pension. The lure of 40 per cent or 45 per cent tax relief is hard to ignore, particularly for those who will end up paying basic rate tax in retirement.

‘So, they are more likely to be paying more into their pension pots to sweep up the free cash from the government. They may also have accountants that help them.’

Hargreaves says lower earners tend to be younger, and are more likely to have a passive approach to pensions because they may be contributing via auto-enrolment and have not given much thought to what they’re investing in or when they’ll retire.

Younger people can read a guide to getting to grips with their pension in their 20s here. 

‘Your pension is one of your biggest assets – and will likely be the deciding factor in how luxurious your retirement is – and yet so many people are confused and baffled by them,’ says Nathan Long, senior analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown.

‘But ignorance is not bliss. If you don’t get your head around pensions, you could pay a terrible price for it in your golden years. Think baked beans retirement, not smoked salmon retirement.

‘The good news is that getting to grips with pensions is simpler than you think. Once you know how much you’ve got and when you’d like to retire, you can think about upping your monthly contributions or changing your investment strategy.

‘Alternatively, some people consider that given the amount of money involved and what’s at stake, this is one of the times in life when it’s worth paying for advice.’

How to get your pension on track

Nathan Long of Hargreaves Lansdown offers the following guide.

1. Find your pensions: Check providers have your up-to-date details and correct address. Get online access set up on your pension pots, which will make it easier to monitor them. 

Think you may have lost one? Use the government’s free Pension Tracing Service

Also check your state pension, which currently provides a guaranteed income of £9,300 a year if you have a full National Insurance record.  

2. Contribute more: If you’re employed, ask your company whether it’ll match any extra contributions you pay in. If the answer is yes, it’s a no-brainer – not paying in more means you leave extra salary on the table.

If the answer is no, just finding an extra £50 a month to put into your nest egg could pay serious dividends in retirement.

Are you missing out on free matched employer contributions? 

3. Check your investments: Think about how much risk you’re prepared to take; this will help you decide the kinds of investments that should go into your pension.

There may be a default fund, which is normally a mix of shares, bonds and cash. There will be other options too, such as emerging markets, ethical investments and property, so have a look at those (including fees).



Should you stick with a ‘default’ pension fund? 

Is your work pension up to scratch?

4. Get free help: There’s lots of information online about how pensions work, but also visit The Money Advice Service and the Pensions Advisory Service.

If you’re 50 or over, you can get free impartial guidance from Pension Wise. Even if you just use it as a second opinion, getting an hour with someone from Pension Wise could be really worthwhile.

5. Consider consolidating: Combining your pension pots will make it easier to keep track of them. It’ll minimise the admin and paperwork, and could reduce the fees too.

Remember to check that you’re not giving up any valuable benefits, and most people should avoid transferring a final salary scheme.

Should you merge your pension pots?  

6. Review each year: Set a date in your diary to check your progress – it’s a good habit to check in at least once a year.

When you do, check how the investments are doing and if they are still right for your circumstances, plus have a think about whether you can increase your contributions.

How do you check investment performance?  

7. Don’t forget other options: A pension is not the only way to save for old age. Basic-rate taxpayers and the self-employed may find they get the biggest tax boost with a Lifetime Isa, not a pension.

You have to be under 40 to open one, so if that’s you, take a closer look at the product to decide if it’s right for you – before you’re too old (and it’s too late).

How do Lifetime Isas work?  


This post first appeared on Dailymail.co.uk

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