Boris Johnson wants to ‘build, build, build’ but he needs property prices to keep rising. And it’s first-time buyers who are hit

Enjoy the schadenfreude as angry Tories lacerate their party for losing the Chesham and Amersham byelection. The defeated candidate, Peter Fleet, bitterly lashes out at “the appalling state of our local roads” – though Tory Buckinghamshire is a low-spend, low-tax county and his Tory government halved all council funding.

Enjoy the contradictions as Fleet says local Tories “want to hear more about traditional Conservative values” that “restore fiscal discipline”, fearing “a return to a bloated public sector” which stifles private enterprise and “demands ever higher taxes”. Telegraph letter-writers pile in with every favourite gripe explaining the defeat: “the expensive vanity project that is HS2”, “over-the-top Covid laws” and “inaction over illegal cross-Channel migration”.

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