The creator of the hit play Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner on the power of comedy and why Instagram is almost like cosplay

Jasmine Lee-Jones, 22, is a writer and actor from London. In July 2019, shortly after graduating from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, her first full-length play was staged at the Royal Court theatre. Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner follows a digital activist, Cleo, and her best friend, Kara, as they navigate abuse and racism on social media. The play won numerous accolades, including most promising playwright at both the Critics’ Circle and Evening Standard awards. It has been revived at the Royal Court for a six-week run ending on 27 July.

Seven Methods… tackles cultural appropriation, colourism and misogyny, but it often strikes a comic tone. What led you to this combination of comedy and darkness?
I knew that cultural appropriation was a very big subject and that everyone has an opinion on it and that it can be very polarising. [Through comedy] you can get people to listen in a different way. I also wanted it to be the experience I have when I’m talking to my friends; we can be talking about something really serious and then one of us will say: “Oh my god, I forgot to tell you…” and it becomes light and jokey.

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