Readers on the suspension of English cricketer Ollie Robinson and the reactions to it by politicians and the public

In the space of a few days, we have the England football team being booed for making an anti-racist gesture (Report, June 3) and the prime minister, a man famed for racist slurs against Muslim women, jumping to the defence of a cricketer suspended for racist and sexist “jokes” posted a decade ago (Boris Johnson joins Oliver Dowden in ECB criticism over Ollie Robinson, 7 June). Ollie Robinson really does not need friends like these.

The men who run English cricket have gifted this opportunity to Boris Johnson by their clumsy handling of the affair. Instead of banning Robinson while they investigate what he wrote as a teenager, there were other options available. What do they need to investigate anyway? He wrote some garbage, he shouldn’t have. Case over, Sherlock.

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