Governor announces online lottery which offers $10,000 in cash, a brand-new car and other small prizes each week

Guam has joined other US states dangling lottery money and other cash prizes in a bid to achieve herd immunity by 21 July, marking the 77th anniversary of the island’s liberation from Japanese forces.

The island’s governor, Lourdes Leon Guerrero, said the “vax n’ win” incentive program is intended to accelerate the government’s “Operation Liberate Guam” – a campaign to fully inoculate 80% of the island’s 160,000 people by liberation day.

“As of today, we have vaccinated 82,778 people. To achieve herd immunity, we are targeting to vaccinate as many as 96,000 people,” Leon Guerrero told a press conference Friday. “We need over 13,000 more shots in arms to achieve Operation Liberate Guam.”

Related: Guam boy, 10, dies as Covid outbreak threatens country’s health system

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