From the priest who wears his collar on holiday to the tailor who suits up for absolutely everything, here are the people who have found their look – and aren’t going to change it for anything

I always wear Issey Miyake tunic dresses and shawls, in various colours, with leggings and boots in winter, secured with three vintage Bakelite brooches. I have been wearing this uniform for about 10 years. After I gained weight, I couldn’t find anything that looked good and was in my size. I discovered the Japanese designer on eBay, where I also discovered vintage handbags and briefcases, and Bakelite jewellery, to accessorise with. All of these items are reasonably priced on the secondhand market, and I like the sustainability: I have had some pieces for a decade, and they are still in great shape. It’s fun to have someone drive by and say: “I love your clothes!” That gives me a kick. I don’t have to spend a lot of money on clothes any more, and it takes me five minutes to get dressed. I know which clothes fit and look good, and being dressed in beautiful clothing helps to combat ageism and fat shaming. Leslie Dollen, retired, Minnesota

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