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May 15, 2021 2 min read

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The state of is jarring. Seventy-nine percent of smartphone users have made purchases on their phones in the past six months and almost half of all purchases made last shopping season were done on a phone. Eighty percent of in-person shoppers use a phone to look up reviews, compare prices, or find alternative store options. All of this is to say that mobile shopping is here to stay. If your isn’t capitalizing on the wave, it’s missing out.

Take advantage and elevate your with The 2021 Ultimate Mobile App Marketing A-Z Bundle.

This eight-course bundle includes 10 hours of training on all things from Entrepreneur Academy (4.5/5 instructor rating), Oak Academy (4.4/5 rating), and more. You’ll go through the process, gaining the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to generate more sales for your business. You’ll learn how to define your vision, create a mission statement, perform a SWAT analysis, and much more.

From there, you’ll delve into specific platforms. You’ll learn how to use to drive your own app downloads, leverage the Facebook SDK and app events, optimize for specific app events, and much more. Additionally, you’ll learn how to use Ads to reach more potential customers, drive app downloads, sales, and more. There are also multiple courses on marketing to create a successful business page, elevate engagement, and grow your following. Finally, you’ll learn how to use and the to scale the presence of your mobile app and product pages to create a more loyal following.

From email marketing and to mobile app marketing, it’s time to scale your digital marketing efforts to the next level. Right now, The 2021 Ultimate Mobile App Marketing A-Z Bundle is just $14.99.

Prices subject to change.

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