The good news is, we think existing vaccines will protect us against this rapidly spreading strain. But we need more data

The new variant of the Covid-19 virus first detected in India comes in three forms: B.1.617.1 (abbreviated as variant 1), B.1.617.2 (variant 2) and B.1.617.3 (variant 3). Each of these has a slightly different genetic makeup. The one that is surging in England is variant 2.

There is some good news and bad news about this variant, based on the limited data we have available. The good news is that we think it does not contain the 484K/Q mutation that has been linked to some degree of vaccine resistance. So the current AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines should work relatively well against it, and at least protect most of us from severe Covid-19 disease and death. We do not have any evidence of this variant causing more severe disease, either – at the moment.

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