Some Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill are seeking more permanent changes to the social safety-net program.

Photo: michael reynolds/Shutterstock

WASHINGTON—Democrats on Capitol Hill are pushing for the White House to propose making jobless benefits more generous permanently as part of the antipoverty package President Biden is expected to roll out next week.

In a letter sent to the White House Friday, nearly 40 Democrats said President Biden should propose implementing a series of new federal standards of unemployment insurance programs, which are largely run by states. They proposed increasing the amount of jobless payments, extending the duration of the weekly benefit, expanding the pool of eligible workers, and implementing a system that would more closely tie the payments to economic conditions.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, Congress has taken several temporary measures to bolster jobless payments, including increasing weekly payments and offering support to more workers. Most recently Congress extended a $300 weekly supplement until early September, among other steps.

But the lawmakers are seeking more permanent changes to the social safety-net program.


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