The Capital FM breakfast presenter and son of Martin Kemp recounts his lifelong love of The Simpsons and Friends

Growing up, I couldn’t stop watching The Simpsons. I first saw it when I was seven when I went to visit my cousin at uncle Gary’s house. He has this beautiful cottage in the Cotswolds, a very nice place, but when you’re a kid, it was the most boring place on earth because he didn’t have a working TV. Luckily, my cousin had just bought a VHS player that he managed to hook up to an old screen, and he showed me how it worked with a tape of the Simpsons.

He played the episode where Homer and Ned got married in Las Vegas, and I was hooked from that moment on. I just found it so funny, and I loved Homer especially. I couldn’t stop doing the impressions of the characters, and I bought all of the VHS series of it I could find.

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