Possible fourth wave in Japan; North Korea pulls out of Games to ‘protect athletes’; Indian states seek widening of vaccinations

At his press conference yesterday, UK prime minister Boris Johnson spoke of holding fast to England’s roadmap for unlocking the economy, and complaining that journalists were trying to “take too many fences” by leaping ahead to what happens next. Johnson has repeatedly insisted that his government’s approach to ending this period of lockdown will be cautious, and as a result irreversible.

This morning, however, Dr Mike Tildesley has been on the radio saying that there could be some arguments for lifting restrictions in the roadmap sooner. Tildesley is a professor of infectious disease modelling at the University of Warwick and a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Modelling group (SPI-M) of the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).

Pubs and restaurants in England won’t require vaccine certificates when they reopen, under the current plans for an exit from lockdown in England, Minister for Covid Vaccine Deployment Nadhim Zahawi has told Sky News this morning.

Step two of the English roadmap will see shops and pub gardens reopen next week, while the reopening of indoor hospitality venues in step three is slated for 17 May.

(March 8, 2021)  Step 1, part 1

Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi confirms MPs will get a vote on vaccine passports if they are rolled out domestically. Says “If we do get to that place then of course it will go to Parliament for a vote” #timesradio

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