Police response to death of Sarah Everard reminds reporter Yvonne Roberts of the Yorkshire Ripper killings; Helen Pidd reports on the murder of an Afghanistan veteran that has also put the spotlight on cycle of women being killed by men

In many ways, the rising anger in response to the death of 33-year-old Sarah Everard is nothing new, says Yvonne Roberts, a reporter who has been covering violence against women for some 50 years. She tells Anushka Asthana that when police reportedly asked women to stay indoors after the disappearance of Everard in south London, she was reminded of the police response to the 1977 Yorkshire Ripper killings.

Roberts’ extensive work on this subject is part of what led her to help launch a campaign by the Observer to end femicide. Defined as the killing of a woman by a man, femicide includes women killed by strangers as well as by family members or partners.

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