The speed at which the world’s scientists have managed to create several effective Covid vaccines has been close to miraculous. But as Michael Safi says, the richest countries have taken the lion’s share

More than 300 Covid vaccine candidates are in development and 200m doses have been jabbed in the arms of citizens. But those people are overwhelmingly found in just a few of the world’s richest countries. For the rest of the more than 5 billion adults around the world, things are less hopeful. They face a wait of up to three years, if they can get a jab at all.

As the Guardian’s international correspondent Michael Safi tells Anushka Asthana, there is potential for the huge economic global divide to feed directly into a two-tier system of vaccinations. For the director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, this represents a catastrophic moral failure.

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