In this winning romcom, comedian Jessica Williams has a sparky energy that evokes theatre at its most immediate

“I would literally rather have my period non-stop for a thousand years than have this portion of the conversation.” It’s fair to say that Jessica James’s Tinder date could be going better. So, as a playwright, she rewrites the script for the guy she’s just met. Why doesn’t he whisper something sexy instead of acting so formal, she asks. When her ex walks into the bar, she turns director to adjust the scenario and stir maximum jealousy. It’s an irresistible opening scene in a romcom that revels in awkward encounters.

What I love about The Incredible Jessica James, which was picked up by Netflix after it closed the Sundance film festival in 2017, is that it crackles with the energy and passion that drives the best theatre. Playwrights in films are so often introspective, tortured mumblers; their scripts worthy, dry or ridiculous. They are simply never this cool. Jessica, played by the super-charismatic comedian Jessica Williams, is a live wire. Witness the all-dancing title sequence in which she shimmies through her New York apartment up to the rooftop.

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