Movies including “The Trial of the Chicago 7” and “Promising Young Woman,” which many viewers saw at home in their pajamas, if at all, set the tone for an unusual 2021 Hollywood awards season that the Golden Globe nominations kicked off Wednesday morning.

New television shows like “Ted Lasso,” “Lovecraft Country” and “The Flight Attendant,” which viewers associate with pandemic bingeing, along with crowd-pleasers like “The Crown” and “Ozark” from pre-Covid days, emerged as strong contenders for the honors at the 78th Golden Globes ceremony, which honors a mix of television and film divided between drama and comedy/musical categories. The awards are slated to be presented Sunday, Feb. 28.

Streaming services, as predicted, dominated in a year where many movie theaters remained closed. Netflix showed muscle in early categories, picking up nods for “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” “Mank” and “The Trial of the Chicago 7.” Amazon also emerged swinging with nominations for “One Night in Miami,” “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” and “Sound of Metal.”

The showing by “Promising Young Woman,” a film that divided audiences, was one of the early surprises Wednesday morning, with nods for Carey Mulligan for best actress in a motion-picture drama and first time feature filmmaker Emerald Fennell for directing. Another filmmaker with a feature directorial debut, the actress Regina King, received a best director nod for “One Night in Miami,” while Chloé Zhao also made the list for her critically acclaimed “Nomadland.”

Last year, the Globes were met with criticism after female filmmakers including Greta Gerwig and Lulu Wang were snubbed for their movies “Little Women” and “The Farewell,” respectively.

Anya-Taylor Joy received nods for best actress in a limited series or movie with “The Queen’s Gambit,” and best actress in a motion-picture musical or comedy with “Emma.”

Share Your Thoughts

How did the nominations for 2021 Golden Globe awards match up with—or differ from—your expectations? Join the conversation below.

Write to Ellen Gamerman at [email protected]

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