Cricket club turned vaccine hub in south Manchester welcomes its first excited customers

Aneet Kapoor had not slept a wink when he arrived at Whalley Range cricket and tennis club at 7am on Thursday. “It was the excitement that kept me awake,” said the pharmacist, who has spent the last six weeks working dawn to dusk to turn the clubhouse into south Manchester’s latest vaccination centre. “I just couldn’t wait to start.”

Around 200 people had been booked in for their first Covid jabs, adding to the 4.6 million UK citizens who have received at least one dose. One of them was Kapoor’s 79-year-old father, Sunil, a former market trader described by his son as “the Asian version of Del Boy”. The extended Kapoor family cannot wait to hug again: they live in three houses within 300 yards of each other and have missed their Friday night dinners.

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