Many more of us are conducting our business in bed. Keeley Hawes and Jeremy Paxman explain the benefits, while Lady Warsi and David Lammy are unimpressed

‘Just say your webcam is broken and try not to sound like you’re lying down’
I was working in bed way before the pandemic. I’ve trained for it my entire life. It’s easy to do meetings from bed if you just pretend your webcam is broken. The trick is to not sound like you’re lying down. I start out sitting cross-legged with my computer on my pillow and then I slowly lie down, one step at a time, so I’m on my side, typing weirdly. I have a pillow for the head and one under the knees, and two stuffed toys: I use the elephant wrapped around my neck like a travel pillow, and the hippo, which is firmer, to prop myself up on when I’m on a deadline and need to be more active.

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