AUDIBLE is an audiobook and podcast service for a monthly fee.

Although membership isn’t necessary, it gets you access to a wider library of audio content and enhanced user features. But if you have signed up to the Amazon-owned service and now want to leave, how do you do it?

Audible is owned by Amazon


Audible is owned by Amazon

How to cancel Audible

  1. Click on the Account Details page on the Audible desktop site.
  2. Select Membership details and click on the Cancel membership button at the bottom, next to Switch membership.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions. The cancellation process comprises a few pages that asks you to consider not cancelling your membership.
  4. If you are sure, click Continue cancelling.
  5. You will eventually be taken to a final screen. Here, click Finish cancelling – and you are done!

You can also cancel your Audible subscription over the phone or by sending an email.

You can send an email to [email protected] and request an account cancellation. Make sure to include your full name and login credentials – not your password.

You should then receive an email confirmation that your account is closed in a day or two.

Alternatively, you can call 08004962455 or 0203 3566218 to speak to the customer service team.

Finally, you can also suspend your Audible account temporarily – but only once in every 12-month period. It can be on hold for between one and three months.

You need to call customer service – also on the numbers above – to do this as it cannot be done online.

Podcasts are a great pastime when you're stuck at home indoors


Podcasts are a great pastime when you’re stuck at home indoors

Can you still listen to Audible if you cancel?

You can. You don’t need a membership to purchase audiobooks through either the Audible or Amazon web sites.

But, by not being a member, you will lose membership benefits like monthly or yearly credits and will have to pay full retail price for the audiobooks.

Furthermore, cancelling doesn’t revoke your membership status – meaning it stays active.

This means any previously purchased content will still be yours, so you can still log in and access your online library from the desktop site or mobile applications.

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