Think about it. If you know exactly why I will buy that funny-looking stuff in a small bottle with a strange smell which you claim will make me feel and look younger such knowledge will be to than my age, do you think your advantage?
The answer is obvious. Why? Because, with such a piece of knowledge, getting me to buy the stuff will be a walk-over. You already know what would make me buy it. All you have to do is do that thing that guarantees that I will purchase the product or service from you and you will end up with my cash in your pocket. It’s straightforward. And simple.
That knowledge – that ability – to know why people buy stuff is not only valuable but also ensures that they do buy from you, allowing you to put their money in your own bank account while they leave with your products or services. This is what is called marketing [the SELL IT! aspect of my proprietary 3-step Secret System That Pumps Money Into Your Bank Account Like Invisible Paymaster].
So marketing, to give you my own definition of what that word means, is the process by which you bring your product or service to the attention of a prospect and at the end of the day, the prospect exchanges his money for the product or service.
While you, the marketer, smile all the way to the bank to lodge your money, the prospect-turned-customer or, better still, client, goes home to enjoy your product or service. Anything you do to make this happen is called marketing [SELL IT!] in my book. With that fact established, let us now embark on the journey that will lead you to receiving your first cheque from the Invisible Paymaster
In the first step of the 3-simple system you’re studying, you learnt that you must first discover a group of people who are interested in a product or service before you invest your time and money to acquire the product for sale.
That group of people is supposed to have told you exactly what they want, how they want it, and how often they want it. To contact this group of people- the potential buyers, or market, for your product or service you must know where and how to reach them. This information is already available to you because, without it, you would never have been able to know what they want.
But I’ll assume that you missed that step and take you through it all over again step-by-step. To start with, in order to discover a group of people that you will sell your product or service, you must first of all find out what they want. It’s only after they have told you what they want that you will go and look for it and then serve it to them.
There are many ways of doing this, but the one way that works very well for me and which I rely on almost entirely, is to ask a question and allow those who have the challenge that my question is addressing to contact me.
The beauty of this method is that majority of the people who contact me based on this question are people who are genuinely looking for a solution to the problem.
For example, I recently asked the following question in my column in SuccessDigest Extra!:
Has debt made your life miserable? No one is more miserable than a man or woman who is in debt. I should know. I’ve been there, Not once. Not twice. But several times. I know what it means to be in debt. It’s the worst situation anyone can be.
Perhaps being sick may be considered worse than being in debt. Maybe. But to be in bondage to debt is terrible enough. Especially if your creditors have a heart of stone
The other side of that coin is being debt free. Oh, what a wonderful feeling! Nothing is comparable to the joy of going to bed knowing that you’re owing no man a kobo. And waking up in the morning realizing that you’re as tree as air. I love the great feeling And I thank GOD Almighty for making it happen for me.
Are you in debt? Are you finding it difficult getting out of it? If yes, and you think you can confide in me, email me at debt**** and I’ll show you a powerful secret that will help get you out of debt faster than you can think or imagine.
The SUBJECT line of your email should be:/WANT TO BE FREE FROM DEBT.
This is a perfect example of how to ask a question. This question is directed at a particular group of people. it is aimed at people who are having a challenge with debt Anyone who has a challenge with debt and who can trust me to provide a solution to the problem will contact me.
Two things happen when I’m contacted by this group. The first one is that they use their email address to contact me. What that means is that I can reach them again by using that same email address. That is awesome because now I have a means of reaching them any time l want to do so.
The second thing that happens is that know exactly why they contacted me. No, they didn’t want to consult with me about a new business they were considering doing. And no, they didn’t contact me to know which group Nigeria is playing in at the 2010 Nations Cup in Angola, despite the fact that some of them know that I’m the publisher of Complete Sports.
The reason they contacted me and it is a very strong reason is because they believe that I have a solution to the big debt problem they have. And they are right. I’ve got a lasting solution to the problem. And I’m already working with them to solve it for them.
Now, let’s assume that I didn’t already have the solution. What I would’ve done Simply is to go and look for a solution for them. I covered how to go about this aspect of my system under Learn It! After I lay my hands on the solution, I’ll have to use the solution myself or find someone to use it so that l be absolutely sure that it works. That is Do lt!
The moment I’m satisfied that the solution I’ve is capable of resolving the problem, the next thing I’ll do is to inform them that I’ve the solution they are looking for. Once they get that information from me, what will happen next is that my bank account will be flooded with their cash which they will willingly give to me in order to get the solution that I told them I’m having.
So simple, isn’t it? Don’t kid yourself that it Is. It isn’t! if it were, no business would declare bankruptcy. And every business will be swimming in money. In fact, new businesses would be surviving beyond the first five years instead of the less than ten percent that are known to do so according to available statistics.
But here is the good news. You can learn the secret. It’s certainly not rocket science.
Yes, you will work hard. And yes, you will invest some money to finance your education. But that is a small price to pay Compared to the rich rewards that will be yours when you master the art.
In the next issue, as we continue this fascinating course of study that is capable of sky-rocketing your income in 2010, I will introduce you to the top echelon of master marketers-the very ones that I learned the art from. So, stand by for it.