I agree, you’ve always read my column. But when you dig deep down, the thought that you will discover the secret of how to sell your knowledge for profit is a strong motivation, the I magnet, for your choosing to read this article right now.
Trust me, I will not disappoint you. I’ll show you how to accomplish that goal. In fact, I will fulfill
that promise in a way that you’ll be totally satisfied. But be warned: the secret does not consist of a few sentences.
You will have to patiently follow me as walk you through the process of converting what you know into hard cash in your bank account.
That knowledge is the third critical step in my proprietary 3-step Secret System That Pumps Money Into Your Bank Account Like an Invisible Paymaster. The other steps, which we already covered, are Learn It and Do It.
Are you ready to commit yourself to learning the secret? If yes, then hop into the train. You and l are going on a long but fascinating trip of discovery. Let me assure you, you’ll enjoy the ride.
If you’ve been paying attention to me all along, you should realize by now that trying to earn money from something you don’t know how it works or something you’ve never done to see whether it works, won’t earn you money with peace of mind.
Unfortunately, there are too many folks out there who are trying to break this rule in their quest to achieve lasting financial success. But, without exception, they end up failing miserably.
What a big shame.
Guess what? I paid a heavy price before I discovered this secret. My own story is where your education should start. After I read, Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and it got me fired up to become an entrepreneur, the only barrier I thought I had to getting started was capital.
Once I had a sound idea and the seed capital to take the idea to the marketplace, I would start to swim in money. So I thought. But events afterward proved me wrong. Getting a sound idea wasn’t that difficult for me. As a widely traveled sports reporter, I had the privilege of knowing that sports publications were being offered as a stand-alone product in all the countries I had been to.
So I knew that if I had the answer to the question, “Why don’t we have a sports paper or magazine in Nigeria?” it would lead me to a Sound idea. And it did.
But it took a struggle to raise the seed capital. I, however, did eventually. But after seven solid years of hard labour in the University of Hard Knocks, as I call it, I was yet to discover the river flowing with money to swim in. Have all the money rivers suddenly dried up?
No, they didn’t. They are still flowing with money 24/7, non-stop. But only those who have the specified swimming trunks are allowed to dip into them. That specified swimming trunk is what I codified as SELL TI! With bankruptcy starring me in the face after seven years of knocking my head against the wall in an attempt to convert my knowledge into raw cash, I was forced to look for a solution outside of what I had been doing consistently over the years.
There must be a solution, I said to myself. And I had to find it. The desperate search for a solution led me to the breakthrough secret. Not surprisingly, I unearthed the secret in another book. It was written by Jay Conrad Levinson. The title of the book is, 555 Ways To Earn Extra Money.
In this book, the author describes different ways anyone can earn extra income. It was in this book that I came across Entrepreneurs magazine. And it was from Entrepreneurs magazine that I discovered, for the very first time, how vital marketing knowledge is to any business.
Without that knowledge, anyone who claims to be in business is fooling himself. That is the blunt truth! Over the next seven years, I concentrated roughly 80% of my study time to learning everything I could about marketing. I consider my acquisition of this knowledge to be one of the smartest things I ever did in my entire life. And there is no exaggeration in that assertion.
That was my own story. Now let me tell you the stories of two people who are very close to me. Don’t worry about their names. It’s not important. The first one is prodigiously talented. So talented is this guy that I sometimes think he has a photographic brain.
It amazes me how fast he can learn complex things that has to do with bolts and nuts and things that are generally technical. With such a talent, he ought to be swimming in money, right? Not if he doesn’t know how to sell that knowledge. And this guy doesn’t.
What the other guy has going for him, apart from his talent at doing uncanny things, is a stubborn determination to succeed, age notwithstanding. He’s so determined that he doesn’t believe there is any mountain he cannot climb.
To tell you how determined this guy is, there was an information product that took him more than six months to put together. You need to see him when he was working on the product. Whatever he was told was required to make his dream of creating the product a reality, he bought them, Yes, he didn’t spare money or effort.
The product is now ready. And what a great product it is! ideally, this guy should be swimming in money by now. Yes? Well, no. Not yet. Just like the first guy, he has not acquired the swimming trunk for jumping into the money river.
Remember, no one is ever permitted to swim in that river without the right trunks. It doesn’t matter who you are and how talented you are. What is the point of these stories? It is to make it abundantly clear to you that there are no shortcuts to marketing knowledge – the Sell It aspect of my simple system. Do what you like, you can even cry if you like, you will still not have money flowing into your bank account without this knowledge.
That is the painful truth. It may be bitter. But there is no way to sweeten it, You must either acquire this knowledge yourself or have Someone who knows it playing in your team. Otherwise, you’ll be licked by the Competition – hands down!
Okay, let’s stop here for now. When we return next week, we shall start to lay the foundation for how you can successfully turn your knowledge into raw cash in the bank.
Believe me, you’ll cherish this knowledge So, don’t miss part 2!
Don’t Miss | How To Sell Your Knowledge For Profit [2]