Mike Bubbins stars as a man who awakes in 2024, having been frozen for 50 years, and wonders why everyone is picking up dog poo in little plastic bags

Mammoth is almost a dad joke writ large. It kicks off with a flashback to a school skiing trip to France in 1979, where medallion-wearing, lady-loving PE teacher Tony Mammoth recklessly launches himself off the side of a mountain. He is soon followed by a catastrophic avalanche. Fifty years later, in a concept that seems to have been concocted just so the in-show newspaper can boast the headline Mammoth No Longer Extinct, Tony is found frozen in the snow and revived. He must now navigate the world of 2024, from the confused perspective of a late-70s unreconstructed male.

Tony walks through modern-day Cardiff noticing modern-day things, such as hoverboards, men carrying babies and people picking up dog poo with little plastic bags. For a fleeting few months, he is world-famous as “the Ice Man”, but then his moment passes and he finds himself right back where he began, teaching PE at secondary school. In a nice nod to a story that every secondary school seems to have had its own version of, the previous teacher is absent, having had a nervous breakdown.

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