From creative design to the bottom line, entrepreneur and former Disney and Mattel executive Launi King will share everything you need to know to turn your artistic vision into a viable money-making venture.

Launi King is an accomplished global creative executive with over 15 years of experience in licensing and entertainment for companies including Mattel, Twentieth Century Fox and Disney. In this instructive workshop, she will unveil the six steps she used to launch her own company, Claspees, and give creative entrepreneurs like you the opportunity to ask any questions about launching your dream project.

Top takeaways to expect:

  • Testing the viability of your idea

  • Using financial obstacles to spark creative solutions

  • Identifying opportunities in the market

  • Defining your product’s uniqueness for consumers and investors

  • Staying true to your vision

From toys to jewelry to music to drawing, if you have a passion for art, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Sign up today!

Sign Up Now

About the Speaker:

Launi King has been a globally recognized design executive for more than 20 years. As the founder and CEO of Creative Play, King developed a think tank specializing in creating new, innovative, and commercially viable products. Creative Play distinguishes itself by its uniqueness in product and brand development, giving it a competitive edge across the retail landscape.

King was most recently the Executive Director of Global Creative, Product, Development, and Brand Merchandising for Disney. She has successfully set the strategic direction and led cross-functional, performance-driven teams in creating global product lines for multi-billion-dollar organizations, including Warner Bros., Twentieth Century Fox, Mattel, National Geographic, ESPN, and Motown Animation.

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