Stephen Gold: Involvement in a court dispute may be beyond your control. What is within your control is the route you follow to get it resolved

Stephen Gold: Involvement in a court dispute may be beyond your control. What is within your control is the route you follow to get it resolved

Stephen Gold: Involvement in a court dispute may be beyond your control. What is within your control is the route you follow to get it resolved

Stephen Gold is a retired judge and author who has written popular series for This is Money on how to be a successful executor, writing a will, bankruptcy and consumer rights.

In a new guide, he explains how much it costs to bring a case in court, what to consider before taking such a potentially ruinous step, and ways to keep your legal bills to the absolute minimum.

You do not get too bad a service when bringing a civil or family case in the county or high court.

The court roof may leak a bit and the lift could get stuck, but you are provided with a fully grown judge, probably a drinks machine and a decision.

And, as with most services, you have to contribute towards the running costs.

That’s where court fees come in which you must bear when you start off the case or take certain steps in advance of a contested trial, unless you are hard up and qualify for the ‘Help with Fees’ scheme which may lead to no fee or a reduced fee.

These fees – or at least 202 of them – are expected to rise by around 10 per cent in the spring, which they tell me comes in on 1 March 2024. Final details are awaited.

If it is possible, there is a substantial saving available to you by acting before the increases bite.

How much does it cost to bring a court case?

The fees for starting off a civil money case, such as a county court claim for compensation for being kept waiting two hours for the concert star to arrive, stay as they are.

Likewise, the substantial hearing fee you have to later shell out where a trial is needed.

Fees for the following are expected to rise by around 10 per cent.

– Starting a county court possession claim, to lead to the eviction of a tenant or mortgage borrower (currently £355).

– Starting a county court claim for non-money reasons such as an injunction (currently £332).

– Making an application during the case, such as for the other side’s case to be struck out as hopeless (currently £275).

– Issuing a creditor’s petition for a debtor’s bankruptcy (currently £302 but you have to pay a deposit on top of £1,500 on account of the official receiver’s fees, so there is even less incentive from the spring to take this step where bankruptcy could lead to a nil return for the creditor).

– Applying for a divorce, nullity or civil partnership dissolution (currently £593 but I beg you not to do it prematurely just to save £59!!!).

– Making the majority of family court applications relating to disputes over children’s welfare (currently £232).

– Applying to the family court for a financial order (currently £275 or £53 by consent).

– Sending in the bailiff (currently £83 in county court and £100 in family court).

There are some other hikes too. Applying for probate where the estate is over £5,000 which currently costs £273 looks like rising by £27 (so tell whoever is winding up an estate in which you are interested to pull their finger out and, if it is you personally doing the winding up, pull your own finger out).

Also due for increases are certain fees in the court of protection and the property chamber of the first-tier tribunal.

Employment tribunal and employment appeal tribunals look almost certain to see fee changes around May 2024.

What is described as a ‘modest’ £55 would be charged to make a claim or lodge an appeal. Both are currently free. The ‘Help with Fees’ scheme will apply.

It’s only fair I should temper the bad fee news with the good. The £20 fee for making a child support application will be scrapped on 26 February 2024!

Should you bring a court case? What to do first

I say, I say, I say, what is the easiest way to risk wasting money or end up bankrupt?

Become involved in a civil or family court case as one of the parties. Boom boom.

The unfortunate likelihood is that, before you depart from this planet, you will find yourself embroiled in some sort of dispute which could end up in a court of law.

And then, thanks to a major Court of Appeal decision at the end of last year and upcoming family legislation soon to be triggered, the pressure will be on for you to reach a settlement without troubling a judge.

Of course, the next-door neighbour’s decision to play the violin at three o’clock every morning and deprive you of a decent night’s sleep is down to them and not you.

Equally, it won’t be you who asks the builder who has been paid up front for the job and materials to walk off site with only one-half of the work completed.



In other words, involvement in a dispute may be beyond your control.

What is within your control is the route you follow to get the dispute resolved and that applies whether you are the victim of that fifth rate fiddler with nothing better to do at 3am than give next door grief or your fiddling is over bricks rather than music.

Consider the risks

Rushing off to court without trying to engage with your opponent is inadvisable unless circumstances are urgent: for example, you have been domestically abused by your partner and need protection or your landlord is about to force you out of your home without a court order and has to be stopped.

Otherwise, with court proceedings, there is the prospect that things might not turn out as you had hoped.

Everyone connected with the law who has maintained their sanity will tell you that there is always a risk in litigation.

You may have become so emotionally involved in your case that you cannot look at it objectively and see some obvious flaw.

You or one of the witnesses may come out with a piece of unexpected evidence that sinks your case.

The judge may be having a bad day.

‘I do wish I had never started this b****y case!’ The queue for getting a case heard is a long one and the wait could cause anxiety. Even with contested county court small claims, you could be waiting for one year plus to get before a judge.

The list of possible disadvantages goes on but top of it is the bill.

Who will pay?

The general rule in civil cases is that the loser pays the winner’s legal costs and expenses.

That rule applies even if the loser did not have a lawyer and was a litigant in person.

Personal injury claims are an exception where, if the claimant loses and has acted in good faith, they will usually escape having to pick up the winner’s bill.

The general rule in civil cases is that the loser pays the winner’s legal costs and expenses

The general rule in civil cases is that the loser pays the winner’s legal costs and expenses

The general rule in civil cases is that the loser pays the winner’s legal costs and expenses

It also does not apply to county court small claims where the loser will only be condemned to pay the winner’s lawyer’s fees if they have behaved unreasonably.

But with a small claim they can expect to reimburse the winner for the following items.

– Court fees.

– Any expert’s fee up to £750.

– For the winner and each of their witnesses, actual but reasonable travelling expenses and expenses in staying away from home for the final hearing (may be overnight at Travelodge but not the Ritz), plus any loss of earnings albeit limited to £95 a day.

Unreasonable behaviour is usually difficult to show: simply losing and maybe telling an inconsequential porky pie or two along the way will seldom be enough.

In family cases, such as disputes over children’s welfare and matrimonial financial applications, the general rule is that each side bears their own legal costs and expenses but, again, an exception may be made if one party has behaved badly in the proceedings. A similar system works in tribunals.

How big will the bill be?

So what is the likely damage? In a county court small claim – and this could have a value of up to £10,000 – the probability is that lawyers’ fees will not figure because both sides will be litigants in person.

Nevertheless, even where there has not been unreasonable behaviour, the total bill could easily reach several hundreds of pounds.

It is not unknown for some parties to inflate the number of witnesses they intend to rely on in the hope of frightening off the opponent at the prospect of a heavy expenses bill if they lose.

As a judge, I was adept at spotting this practice, especially when the claimant suggested they had a busload of them for a drainage dispute.

Retired judge and writer Stephen Gold 

Ex-judge Stephen Gold is the author of The Return of Breaking Law, published by Bath Publishing, an irreverent guide to your legal rights and winning in court or losing well.

It gives more information on the topics covered in this series and is full of tips and templates.

Among the numerous other areas featured are divorce, pre-nups, making a will, battling with a seller, creditor, domestic abuser, lender and landlord – and how Stephen coped as lawyer to the Kray Twins.

The time estimated by the court for the hearing of a case will be based on the number of witnesses for each side who are material and reasonably necessary. You won’t get a three-day hearing for a replacement hot water bottle claim!

For the bigger cases which cannot be dealt with as small claims, a new system – Fixed Recoverable Costs – came into force on 1 October 2023 for the majority of cases involving no more than £100,000.

It limits the costs bill the loser will have to meet and is aimed at introducing certainty into the potential liability of both sides to a case before hostilities commence.

You can work out the figure from the Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2023, but you may need a box of paracetamols by your side.

The problem for solicitors is that it reduces what they would otherwise have been able to collect from the loser.

That being so, unless you are prepared to agree to stump up the difference between what the solicitor wants to charge you and what your losing opponent would have to contribute, the solicitor may decide it is uneconomical to take on your case.

The new system does not apply to abuse claims related to children or vulnerable adults, certain claims against the police, mesothelioma and asbestos lung disease claims, the vast majority of clinical negligence claims (but that is set to change in April 2024) and housing claims (and that could change in October 2025).

The amount of the costs is also being raised – modestly, I suspect – in April 2024.

One of the problems with the system is that you can never be absolutely sure when you kick off your case that the Fixed Recoverable Costs system will in fact apply.

That is because the court must be satisfied, among other things, that the trial will last no longer than three days and that expert evidence will be limited to two witnesses for each party.

Otherwise, the system will not be available.

The system, though, can be applied to a non-money claim – about a boundary dispute, for example – where that is ‘in the interests of justice’ and you will not know whether that is going to happen until the proceedings have been alive for a couple of months.

Where the Fixed Recoverable Costs system does not apply, the bill really can take off. Prepare for a shock.

IN PART TWO… Stephen Gold explains legal costs in more detail, and runs through the options to cut the bill.


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