Over two interviews and more text messages, our artist of the year unpacks her album Fetch the Bolt Cutters – and explains how she finally found compassion for herself after trauma and bullying

The album has meant so much to people this year. Did you know you had made something extraordinary? Did finishing it feel different to finishing other records?

Not really. The big feeling I have with records is: it’s there, it feels right. With this record we had a couple of stops in between. I started everything over once and then over again feeling like it wasn’t going in the right direction. There were times when I felt, I love all the work that we’ve been doing and I don’t regret any of the time that we spent, but maybe I just don’t wanna deal with this. Maybe I’m in a good place to call it quits and go live a different kind of life. But then it started feeling right. I didn’t have any idea that it was gonna be loved so much. It’s at this level right now, it’s almost too much attention. I feel like it’s gotten just the right amount of attention and I’m really happy with it.

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