Protesters set up tents outside Israeli prime minister’s home; EU foreign ministers to meet Middle East counterparts after Netanyahu rejects two-state solution

Welcome to our continuing live reporting of the Israel-Gaza war and wider Middle East crisis. I’m Adam Fulton and we’ll begin with a rundown on the latest news to bring you up to speed.

Relatives and supporters of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza have rallied again outside the Israeli prime minister’s home in Jerusalem, pitching tents and demanding the government urgently strike a deal to secure their release.

A total of 25,105 Palestinians have been killed and 62,681 injured in Israeli strikes on Gaza since 7 October, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza said on Sunday. The head of the UN, António Guterres, denounced Israel for the “heartbreaking and utterly unacceptable” killings of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, saying: “Israel’s military operations have spread mass destruction and killed civilians on a scale unprecedented during my time as secretary general.”

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