Twitter bans false vaccine claims; Germany plans to start vaccinations on 27 December; Biden’s swearing in to have reduced capacity

Mexico’s health ministry on Wednesday reported 10,297 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infection and 670 more fatalities, bringing the country’s totals to 1,277,499 cases and 115,769 deaths.

The government says the real number of infected people is likely significantly higher than the confirmed cases.

Did anyone convey the topsy-turvy world of pandemic life better than two ultra-competitive labradors? When the first lockdown was announced back in March and sports events were cancelled across the country, the Scottish commentator Andrew Cotter found himself staring at a grim year ahead. And so he decided to simply continue commentating … on his dogs.

“You can feel the tension,” he said in his soothing soft Scottish accent, over a video of his dogs, Olive and Mabel, racing to empty their bowls. “Olive focused, relentless, tasting absolutely nothing.”

Some sports are slower. More about the strategy.

Related: ‘I lost all sense of perspective!’ The broadcaster whose dogs became superstars

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