Google said a ‘significant subset of users’ of its email service were inconvenienced Tuesday.

Photo: Gareth Fuller/Zuma Press

A number of Gmail users experienced issues with the email service Tuesday, a day after more than a dozen Google services such as YouTube endured a nearly hourlong disruption.

Alphabet Inc. GOOG 0.44% -owned Google said that while some users could access their accounts, they might see error messages, experience delays or encounter other unexpected behavior. “We’re aware of a problem with Gmail affecting a significant subset of users,” the company said on its website.

The issues began around 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, the company said. An hour later, it said service had been restored for some users and that it hoped to resolve issues for all users soon.

Temporary interruptions for popular online services are relatively common, though their impact has increased as more people rely on them as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and as more businesses outsource their digital infrastructure and tools, often to large internet companies.

Google’s Gmail is one of the most popular email clients world-wide, and the company’s Workspace office tools, formerly known as G Suite and a rival to Microsoft Corp.’s Office, are popular among businesses and institutions. Google said last year that the email service, launched in 2004, had 1.5 billion users.

The company had problems on Monday with its authentication system, which resulted in a range of services and platforms reliant on Google’s technology not working correctly for about an hour.

Write to Kimberly Chin at [email protected]

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