AN EASY morning routine can help prevent mould in your home and costs just 55p.

Mould is usually found on animal or plant matter, building materials like wood and plasterboard, and furnishings like curtains, carpets and boxes.

Jonathan Rolande, property expert and professional property buyer, has shared his top tip to keep the fungus outside


Jonathan Rolande, property expert and professional property buyer, has shared his top tip to keep the fungus outside

While it has a major role in the ecosystem of the earth it can be dangerous in the home and costly to remove.

The NHS says the problem with mould is that it produces allergens, irritants and, sometimes, toxic substances.

When these are inhaled or they get into the skin, it causes nasty symptoms. 

At first, these toxins may not cause any harm at low levels. But if they are consistently in the air, it starts to cause side effects. 

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People who live in homes with mould are more likely to have respiratory problems, infections, allergies and asthma.

But mould can also damage your home.

So the key thing to do is try and ensure that you don’t invite mould into your home.

Jonathan Rolande, property expert and professional property buyer shared one key tip to keep the fungus outside.

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He said: “Unbelievably the average person creates about two litres of water vapour a day, by simply breathing, washing and cooking.

“Like the water that forms on the outside of a cool drink on a hot day, condensation finds the cold spots in the home and turns back to water droplets – the ones we see on the bedroom window in the morning.

“Without preventative steps, the condensation leads to dampness and that leads to mould which can damage clothing, furnishing and health.

“Switching on the heating for at least twenty minutes in the morning will even out the temperature and stop the cold spots where condensation settles.

“Warmer air increases airflow too which allows moisture to escape more easily.”

Recent figures from Checkatrade show that the average cost of running it per hour is 7p per kilowatt-hour.

This means that if you have a 24 kW boiler, it might cost you £1.68 an hour.

And if you run it for just 20 minutes each morning, to keep the mould away, you’ll only fork out 55p per day or £3.85 a week.

This isn’t much compared to if you let mould take hold and eventually require an expert to deal with its removal.

Professional mould removal can cost anywhere between £30 an hour or up to £1,200 for the whole home, according to Checkatrade.

Other tips to help keep mould at bay

Ventilation is also key factor in preventing the growth of mould.

And always ensure you allow fresh air to flow into your home as often as possible.

Admittedly, this is harder in the winter, but you should still try to open windows for short periods.

Don’t forget to open the windows when drying clothes inside, and at all costs avoid drying wet clothes on the radiator.

Further, as cooking can create a lot of condensation, remember to use pan lids to try and reduce moisture getting into the air.

Keeping the inside of your home above 15°C will help to stop condensation from forming.

How can I remove mould if it’s already there?

Bleach is usually all you need if you neither own nor want to buy specialised cleaning sprays and paints.

If using bleach, mix four parts of water with one part bleach

You’ll also need a stiff brush, a bucket of water with cloth, and another cloth for drying

Apply your solution to the affected areas (including a few inches around the visible mould to kill any mould not yet visible)

Scrub it firmly with a strong brush

Wait as long as possible or until the mould disappears from sight and rinse the treated areas thoroughly.

Pat dry the area and allow it to completely dry before moving any furniture or placing items in front of it.

This post first appeared on

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