THE BIGGEST meteor shower of 2020 will continue to light up the sky tonight.

The Geminid meteor shower technically peaked in the early hours of this morning but there should still be a chance to spot the meteors until December 17.

Meteors over Worcestershire in the UK over the weekend


Meteors over Worcestershire in the UK over the weekendCredit: Bav Media

The Geminids can produce 150 multicolored meteors per hour.

That’s a lot of shooting stars to wish on.

The shower reached its peak brightest on the evening of December 13 and in the early hours of December 14.

However, the shower will continue on for a few more days you just may see a few less meteors or some that are quite faint.

Geminid meteor shower over Russky Island


Geminid meteor shower over Russky IslandCredit: Getty – Contributor

The meteors can look yellow, blue, red and even green.

How to watch the Geminid meteor shower from the UK

Hunting for meteors can be a bit of a waiting game but the Geminid meteors are great because they tend to move slowly across the sky.

You should go to a place with minimal light pollution for the best chance to see some.

You should be able to spot the Geminids with your own eyes but a telescope or binoculars to zoom in on the Gemini constellation may help.

The meteors appear to radiate from the bright star Castor within the constellation, it’s one of the brightest stars in the sky.

Sometimes 150 Geminid meteors are visible each hour


Sometimes 150 Geminid meteors are visible each hourCredit: Daniel Monk/Bav Media

The shower is technically going on between December 4 and 17 so if one even is too cloudy there is still a chance to look another day.

Stargazers in the Northern Hemisphere should get a better view although in the Southern Hemisphere dwellers will still be able to spot them.

It’s often referred to as the King of Meteor Showers because it is one of the best displays of the year.

The meteor shower occurs every year in mid-December without fail so is a staple in the calendar of keen astronomers.

The flying space rocks actually originate from a mysterious and crumbing 19,000ft asteroid called 3200 Phaethon.

As the asteroid passes Earth, debris from it scatters in space.

We then spot this as bright flashes each December.

The rock debris burns up in the Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of around 80,000 miles per hour.

We call this fiery vaporisation a shooting star.

The Sun’s top tips for amateur stargazers

Here’s an easy guide to get you started…

  • Head up somewhere high
  • Avoid light pollution
  • Bring binoculars
  • Wrap up warm and bring a snack
  • Sit out in the dark for at least half an hour to let your eyes adjust
  • A star spotter guide and a compass can help you find a particular constellation or star
Ultra-rare meteor footage shows HUGE fireball streaking across sky and breaking up

In other space news, aliens may have once lived miles beneath the surface of Mars, research suggests.

China says it has landed on the Moon in a “risky” mission to collect the first lunar samples in four decades.

And, Nasa hopes to peer back in time using the James Webb Space telescope.

Will you be looking out for the meteor shower next week? Let us know in the comments…

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