Israeli troops entered Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital in a ‘targeted operation’ at 3am and remained there well into the afternoon

Three hours before dawn, witnesses and doctors inside Gaza’s largest hospital reported that Israeli tanks had entered the sprawling medical compound on the western edge of Gaza City. “We can see them pointing the guns of the tanks toward the hospital … they are inside the complex with the tanks,” Khader Al Za’anoun, a reporter for the Palestinian news agency Wafa, told CNN.

Munir al-Boursh, a doctor inside the Dar al-Shifa hospital and a Palestinian health ministry undersecretary, had earlier appealed to approaching Israeli forces to exercise caution. “You being inside the hospital will create a state of fear and hysteria among the patients here,” he told the Israel Defense Forces in a phone call obtained by Al Jazeera. “All floors of the hospital are full of people from floor one through to six.”

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