It’s often seen as a taboo subject, but a new report is finally lifting the lid on Britons’ sex lives. 

The report by LELO, dubbed the Sex Census, quizzed 4,000 Brits about their sex habits. 

It reveals that Britain is the midst of a ‘sexodus’, with over a quarter (27 per cent) of Britons now having less sex than they used to. 

What’s more, 15 per cent admitted that they haven’t got frisky at all this year. 

LELO believes the sexodus may be a knock-on effect from the pandemic, when many people spent a prolonged period without opportunity for phsyical intimacy. 

Britain is the midst of a 'sexodus', with over a quarter (27 per cent) of Britons now having less sex than they used to (stock image)

Britain is the midst of a ‘sexodus’, with over a quarter (27 per cent) of Britons now having less sex than they used to (stock image) 

For the report, LELO surveyed 4,000 participants about their sexual experiences in 2023. 

While 24 per cent of respondents said they’re having more sex now, 27 per cent said they’re having less sex, while 15 per cent said they don’t have sex at all. 

The remaining 33 per cent said they’ve not experienced any change to their sex life. 

Breaking the results down by age, the report shows that 18-24-year-olds are having more sex (38 per cent) this year compared to last. 

In contrast, 31 per cent of 35-44-year-olds say they’re having less sex in 2023. 

Meanwhile, almost half of those aged 55-64 appear settled in their sex lives, with 47 per cent reporting no change.

Over half (60 per cent) of respondents said they'd only had one sexual partner over the last 12 months (stock image)

Over half (60 per cent) of respondents said they’d only had one sexual partner over the last 12 months (stock image)

‘A simple explanation could be that Gen Z are in a life stage where they would commonly explore their sex lives and millennials are at the peak of their career and family life, meaning priorities may lie elsewhere,’ LELO said in the report. 

The report also lifts the lid on the number of sexual partners Britons have had this year. 

Over half (60 per cent) of respondents said they’d only had one sexual partner over the last 12 months. 

‘This could serve as additional evidence for sex lives slowing down in the UK or be an indication for people opting for long-term connections,’ LELO said. 

Meanwhile, 15 per cent had no sex, while nearly one in 20 had three sexual partners. 

LELO hopes the report will ‘open up conversations around sex’. 

Luka Matutinović, CMO at LELO, said: ‘By opening up conversations around sex and pleasure we can break down the taboos surrounding these less-conventional desires, opening the door to more fulfilled sex lives for all.’

READ MORE: Beware of the CHEATWAVE: Sunny weather ‘triggers massive spike in cheating’ – and an expert claims 

Loved-up Brits were today told to be wary of an unexpected consequence of the Caribbean-esque temperatures this weekend.

Sweltering weather triggers a phenomenon nicknamed the ‘cheatwave’, according to one expert who claims that sunny spells are likely to make people far hornier than usual.

When Britain faced its hottest day of the year on June 10, as the mercury hit 30°C, sign-ups to the nation’s leading marital affairs site spiked by 64 per cent.

The same thing also happened this time last year. Jessica Leoni, at, says hot weather is directly to blame.

On Britain's hottest day of the year signups to a leading UK marital affairs website soared

On Britain’s hottest day of the year signups to a leading UK marital affairs website soared

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