NINTENDO has just received one of the biggest releases of the year, but fans are furious about the game’s quality.

While Switch users are used to a downgrade from PS5 and Xbox, many are calling this unacceptable.

The Nintendo Switch port is a serious downgrade.


The Nintendo Switch port is a serious downgrade.Credit: WB Games

Hogwarts Legacy has just hit the Nintendo eShop following around six months of delays.

We knew that Hogwarts Legacy would release later on the Switch, but now it has launched, we can see why it took so long.

Some things were expected, with the lower resolution we knew that the visuals would receive a downgrade.

However, there is one major change that fans think compromises too much on the game’s quality.

More in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is best known for its expansive open world, and even better, the whole world is seamless.

This means that no matter where you go or what area you enter, you will never experience a loading screen or get slowed down.

However, the Nintendo Switch has not only added loading screens between areas, but they are almost unbearably long.

Each loading screen can be up to a minute long, and this issue compounds in areas with lots of areas.

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It is most obvious in the town of Hogsmeade, which has a number of different shops you can visit.

There is a loading screen as you enter the town and then more screens as you leave and enter each shop.

This really breaks up the flow of the game, and makes the experience of playing far less enjoyable.

Hogwarts Legacy was also released on last-generation consoles, the PS4 and Xbox One.

However, these ports managed to maintain the seamless open world without notable loading times.

If you want to read about how well Nintendo has fared this year, then check out our Game Awards round up.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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