There’s one little luxury that actor Michael Xavier cannot live without: a flat white coffee with oat milk. The award-winning star of West End shows says working in musicals pays an eighth of what he could earn in TV. 

Xavier, 42, spoke to DONNA FERGUSON from his home in Hertfordshire where he is preparing to put on a socially distanced, online Christmas Eve charity concert with other stars. 

The concert will be aired on the YouTube channel of MX Masterclass, a Sunday theatre school he runs for people aged between ten and 25. 

Up close and personal: Michael Xavier stars alongside Glenn Close in Sunset Boulevard

Up close and personal: Michael Xavier stars alongside Glenn Close in Sunset Boulevard

Up close and personal: Michael Xavier stars alongside Glenn Close in Sunset Boulevard

What did your parents teach you about money? 

Not to waste it. Dad was a policeman and Mum was a teacher. Money was tight and quite often when I asked for something, I’d be told: ‘Don’t be ridiculous, we can’t afford that.’ Looking back, I think it was great I didn’t have everything I wanted as a child. It taught me the value of money and inspired me to go out and earn it for myself. 

Have you ever struggled to make ends meet? 

Yes – when I was in my early 20s and trying to make it as an actor. I moved from Cheshire to London and got a job in a call centre because it gave me the flexibility to go to auditions. But I also had to work in a bar at night just so I could afford to pay my rent. I lived in a five-bedroom flat with four other flatmates in a rough area and all I could afford to eat was pasta and tinned tuna and tomatoes. I ate it for lunch and dinner, sometimes adding an onion and a pepper as a treat. 

The flat was horrid. We had mice and one of my flatmates brought his entire family from Brazil to live in his one room.

Have you ever been paid silly money? 

No, sadly not. Appearing in musicals doesn’t equate at all to what you get paid for appearing on television, in films or commercials. If you play a small role in a TV series, you can make in a day what you make in a week doing eight musical theatre shows. Though I did a three-day shoot for a car advert a few years ago and got paid £8,000. But I don’t think I’ve ever really done a job where I’ve thought: ‘I can’t believe I’m getting this much.’ 

What was the best year of your financial life? 

It was 2017, when I was working on Broadway in New York with Glenn Close on Sunset Boulevard. I earned close to $100,000 (£77,000), which was the most I’d ever been paid – plus they put me up in an apartment just off Times Square for free. I found out later that the apartment would have cost more than £1,300 a week to rent. Doing a Broadway show was crazy. 

It had been my dream as a kid and when I arrived I was treated like royalty. There’s a lot of hype and excitement around a lead actor in a big Broadway show. Everyone wants to interview you and take you to dinner. 

By contrast, in London, people want to know: ‘Have you been in a soap or a reality TV show? Are you a household name?’ I find that quite frustrating. We work so hard. I’ve spent 20 years in theatre honing my craft, doing show after show, and learning how to be good at it. And then somebody who has never been on stage in their life can wander in off a TV show and take your job.

The most expensive thing you bought for fun?

It was an Audi A4. It cost £10,000 but it was plagued with so many faults that I spent £3,000 in the first few months getting it fixed. I ended up selling the car after four months for about £7,000. 

What is your biggest money mistake? 

Buying that Audi was a big mistake, but so was investing £2,000 in Bitcoin three years ago. I watched its value go up and eventually quadruple. Then I moved house and needed the money. But the cryptocurrency market is so volatile that the day I withdrew it, the value had dropped back to £2,000. So, annoyingly, I didn’t make anything at all. 

Coming up roses: Michael Xavier's dad is always telling him to spend less on coffee

Coming up roses: Michael Xavier's dad is always telling him to spend less on coffee

Coming up roses: Michael Xavier’s dad is always telling him to spend less on coffee

Do you save in a pension or invest in the shares? 

No, I don’t do either. When I was 22, my parents’ pension fund was wiped out by a rookie trader. That put me off pensions and I don’t feel I know enough about the stock market to invest in it. I’ve always been quite cautious as well. I’ve never had much spare cash to invest, and actors tend to live hand-to-mouth. 

Right now, during these Covid times, there’s no theatre work and I’d rather keep hold of my money.

Do you own any property? 

Yes, my fiancee Carly Turnbull and I own a three-bedroom terrace house overlooking fields in the Hertfordshire countryside. We purchased it two years ago. I’d rather not say how much we bought it for. I think it has gone up in value, but we have spent a similar amount doing it up. 

I also own two properties which I rent out – a three-bedroom flat in Norbury, Surrey, and a two-bedroom flat in Bedford. 

What is the one luxury you treat yourself to? 

Coffee. I know I sound like a pretentious snob but an oat milk flat white is my favourite. My dad’s always telling me to stop spending so much on coffee. I’ll spend up to £3.80 on each cup, but I think there are worse vices.

If you were Chancellor, what would you do? 

I’d invest more in the theatre industry. We need to keep the buildings and the staff, including the freelancers, going until the vaccine is fully rolled out. 

Covid has been devastating for my industry. I know so many people who are destitute because they have nothing. They are applying for jobs driving for Amazon and supermarkets – and getting rejected. 

The arts are important because if we put ourselves into the next person’s shoes, and understand what they are going through, then maybe we can live together in harmony. 

I’m a strong believer that theatre gives you empathy and makes you see the world from different perspectives, and doing that makes us nicer to each other. 

What is your number one financial priority?

Paying off the mortgage. I’d like to have more financial freedom. 


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