WINTER is well underway with temperatures already starting to drop. 

Some of us have done our best to avoid putting the heating on as much as we can to prevent a hefty energy bill but it’s easier said than done.

Shoppers are loving B&M’s Massaging Foot Warmer which massages your toes while keeping them toasty


Shoppers are loving B&M’s Massaging Foot Warmer which massages your toes while keeping them toastyCredit: B&M Store

Usually, when it starts to get cold we can find ways to layer up in jumpers and sweatpants to keep ourselves as warm as possible.

But what about our feet?

Many of us forget about our little piggies in the winter but when temperatures drop toes are the first body part to suffer. 

Our feet are important and usually one of the first places we see signs of something wrong in the body. They need to be kept warm and dry throughout winter.

If you’re looking to keep your feet warm and give them a little TLC then look no further than B&M for a £15 gadget shoppers are rushing to buy.

Shoppers are loving B&M’s Massaging Foot Warmer which massages your toes while keeping them toasty.

The cosy Massaging Foot Warmer is a great way to get comfortable at the end of a long day. 

With its ultra-soft microfibre and built-in heat and vibration mode, this device is perfect for snuggling into while on the couch, or even while sitting at a desk.

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You can plug into any compatible USB port for use. 

The soothing heat and relaxing vibration will help relieve tired feet, getting you back on the road and ready for anything.

And you won’t have to worry about your energy bills as most footwarmers cost around 1p an hour to run.

Prices for foot warmers in other stores are a bit steeper in Argos electric foot warmer prices start from £36 and even Boots has one for £20.

You may be able to similar products on Amazon where electric heating slippers start from £15.99 but make sure to check the reviews first.

Bear in mind that B&M doesn’t do online delivery so you will have to head into a store to pick this one up.

Use B&M store finder so you can find the nearest store to you.

It might be worth calling ahead to check if it is in stock to save a wasted journey.

Other important ways to keep your feet warm: 

  • Avoid having bare feet – Always wear warm socks, slippers or shoes around the house.
  • Keep toes toasty in bed – If your toes get cold at night then go to bed wearing socks.
  • Keep your feet dry – Wear dry waterproof shoes when you go out and boot up.
  • Opt for woolly socks – Wear woolly socks or socks with an insulating material in the winter.
  • Keep moving – Move your legs around to keep blood circulating to your feet.

Don’t forget insulation is key to staying warm especially once the heating is on.  

A few ways to insulate your home this winter. 

Loft insulation is also very important as it can stop heat escaping, therefore slashing your heating bill.

You can buy insulation from all local builder merchants or retailers such as B&Q and Wickes.

Draught excluders are another great hack, they stop cold air coming in from underneath draughty doors. 

You can get some for as little as a fiver in most stores but a thick blanket rolled up will work just as well.

In other news, shoppers are rushing to buy a £1 gadget to avoid putting the heating on and it costs nothing to run.

Read More on The Sun

Find out the £3.25 kit people are raving about to avoid putting the heating on – and it tackles condensation and mould.

Plus the exact date Aldi’s sell-out winter gadget to avoid putting the heating on returns to stores

This post first appeared on

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