New York Jets star quarterback Aaron Rodgers on Wednesday vowed to “rise yet again,” after suffering a torn Achilles on Monday that will sideline him for the entire season.

Rogers, 39, a future Hall of Famer who has won four NFL MVP awards, went down minutes into his debut with the Jets. With him on the team — one of the league’s most anticipated off-season moves —  some pundits were predicting the Jets may make a deep playoff run.

But now instead of taking snaps on the field, he’ll be working to get healthy.

“I’m completely heartbroken and moving through all of the emotions, but deeply touched and humbled by the support and love,” he wrote on social media Wednesday. “Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I begin the healing process today.”

His injury will require surgery, his coach said this week. The Achilles’ tendon connects calf muscles to the heel, and orthopedic doctors say a tear is one of the most challenging injuries athletes can face.

The injury can affect the ability to walk, let alone run, jump, and stop and start quickly, physical attributes needed to play in the NFL.

Exhaustive physical therapy and rehab is needed to make a full recovery.

Rodgers’ was injured after taking only four snaps, but his team went on to beat the Buffalo Bills in overtime, 22-16.

He said in his social media post that he appreciated all those who have reached out and was already looking ahead.

“Thank you to every person that has reached out, called, texted, DM’d, connected through a friend, etc. It has meant a ton to me, and I’ll try and get back to all of you soon,” he wrote.

Rodgers added better days are ahead.  

“The night is darkest before the dawn. And I shall rise yet again.”

Prior to this season, Rodgers spent his entire professional career with the Green Bay Packers, who he led to a Super Bowl win in 2011.

Source: | This article originally belongs to

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